The Publication Journey: PhD Seminar at FSPAC
In late October, Dan led a doctoral seminar titled ‘The Publication Journey’ in the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FSPAC) at Babeș-Bolyai University. Reflecting on the process that begins with a paper idea and concludes with the publication of a manuscript as a journal article, Dan talked about the experience from the perspective of the author who makes that journey; of the PhD supervisor who can help guide it and, lastly, of the journal editor who facilitates the peer review process that subjects the paper to scrutiny by other members of the scientific community. Each step along the way is fraught with challenges and difficult decisions which, however, are relatively easy to anticipate and plan for so as to make the journey predictable and process manageable. There is a lot of exciting work that PhDs at FSPAC are doing and their publication journeys are important learning experiences which they discussed in the seminar and will continue to talk about over several more seminars planned for later in the year and in 2025.